Monday, July 30, 2012

bits and pieces

rain effect on summoners rift

cho'gath buff, range and stats

Biggest battlecast cho'gath 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Diana Patch - Unofficial Patch Notes

Diana Scorn of the Moon

  • Damage:54(+3 per level)
  • Health:528(+90 per level)
  • Mana:270(+40 per level)
  • Movement Speed:320
  • Armor:19.6(+3.6 per level)
  • Magic Resist:31.25(+1.25 per level)
  • Health Per 5 Sec:9
  • Mana Per 5 Sec:7
  • Range:150

Moonsilver Blade

Gains Attack Speed. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage.

Crescent Strike

Unleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing 80/125/170/215/260(+0.8) magic damage. Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them for 3seconds.
Cost - 55 Mana
Cooldown - 10 Seconds

Lunar Rush

Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, teleporting to an enemy and dealing 100/160/220(+0.6) magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight.
Cost - 50/65/80 Mana
Range - 900
Cooldown - 20/16/12 Seconds


Draws in all nearby enemies and slows them by 35/40/45/50/55% for 2seconds.
Cost - 70 Mana
Range - 450
Cooldown - 26 Seconds

Pale Cascade

Creates three orbiting spheres that explode on contact with enemies dealing 20/36/52/68/84 (+0.2) magic damage. Lasts 4 seconds. Also gains a temporary shield that absorbs 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.45) damage. This shield is refreshed if the third sphere detonates.
Cost - 60/70/80/90/100 Mana
Range - 750
Cooldown - 10/10/10/10/10 Seconds

Champion Changes


  • Most of Ahri's skills descriptions have been clarified to be more understandable but there was no change to mechanics. 


  • Bandage Toss now scales from 70% of AP, down from 100% of AP.
  • Curse of the Sad Mummy now scales from 80% of AP, down from 100% of AP.
  • Tantrum now costs 35 Mana, down from 50 Mana.


  • Most of Annie's skills descriptions have been clarified to be more undestandable but there was no change to mechanics.


  • Pyroclasm - Pyroclasm now prioritizes champions for the next bounce instead of increasing missile speed.


  • Magic Resist increased to 31.25 (+1.25 per level), up from 30.
  • Feast now has a 150 range, up from 100.
  • Vorpal Spikes now grow as Cho'gath grows in size.


  • Agony's Embrace now has a 120/100/80 secs cooldown, down from 150/120/90


  • Zephyr now scales from 60% of AP, down from 80%.


  • Finales Funkeln is now named Infinite Light.


  • Black Shield now has a 23/21/19/17/15 secs cooldown, down from 23 secs cooldown at all ranks.


  • Magic Resist increased to 31.25 (+1.25 per level), up from 30.


  • Base damage increased by 52, up from 50.


  • Acid Hunter now deals 10/40/70/100/130 damage (+0.85 of AD) instead of 50/80/110/140/170 damage. 

Xin Zhao

  • Damage changed to 55.3 damage (+3.3 per level) instead of 59 (+3 per level)
  • Audacious Charge now deals 70/110/150/190/230 damage, down from 70/115/160/205/250 damage.


  • Omen of Famine - The healing effect is halved against minions.

there are now words how cool this skin would be in League of Legends

HotShotGG CLG NA pre Azubu interview

nice bait 

Battlecast Skarner Teaser

Battlecast Cho'Gath

Friday, July 27, 2012

bits and pieces

Diana coming to PBE tonight. 7/26

Evelynn buffs incoming next patch.

Statikk on Diana - "I played her a lot internally. She's an AP jungler."

Krepo CLG Eu Interview post Azubu

Nautilus in real world

Diana Scorn of the Moon

The tide of battle is turning, summoners. With ceaseless aggression, powered and protected by the lunar light, Diana, Scorn of the Moon, controls and chases her enemies through the battlefield, leaving them no sunlight for solace.

Diana’s high area of effect damage and defensive abilities make her an ideal jungler. Pale Cascade creates three orbiting spheres that detonate and deal damage to any enemy that comes close, while protecting her with a shield that absorbs any incoming damage. If all three orbs are detonated, the shield effect is refreshed, allowing her to absorb even more punishment. This destructive shield, combined with a cleaving attack from her passive, Moonsilver Blade, helps her deal out significant damage to multiple targets as she quickly tears through jungle camps.

Drawing power from the moon, Diana’s kit revolves around her use of Moonlight to prep her enemies for an incoming attack. The breakneck pace of Diana’s gameplay and her relentless chasing potential are driven by the interplay between Crescent Strike and her ultimate ability, Lunar Rush. A unique curved skillshot, Crescent Strike unleashes lunar energy in an arc, damaging any enemies in its path and simultaneously afflicting them with Moonlight. Casting Lunar Rush to teleport to an enemy afflicted by Moonlight will reset the ability cooldown while consuming all active Moonlight debuffs. Judicious use of Moonlight combined with accurate casts of Crescent Strike gives Diana incredible mobility and sustained damage throughout a long fight. While using Lunar Rush only in combination with Moonlight will give Diana the highest damage output over time, you may make a judgment call and accept the longer cooldown to either directly rush a vulnerable target or double tap a Moonlight afflicted enemy for heavy burst damage.

Diana’s kit really comes together in a team fight. After initiating with Crescent Strike and Lunar Rush, she can follow up with Moonfall, drawing in and slowing all nearby enemies, holding them in range for Moonsilver Blade and Pale Cascade until Crescent Strike is ready again. The added durability of her shield helps her survive heavy damage, while the mobility of a Moonlight-enhanced ultimate helps her pursue and assassinate high-value targets. With the complex interplay of her abilities, Diana’s got the potential to control the jungle while executing quick ganks and threatening enemies in team fights.


Moonsilver Blade (Passive): Diana has increased Attack Speed. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage.

Crescent Strike: Diana swings her blade to unleash a bolt of lunar energy, afflicting enemies with Moonlight and dealing damage in an arc before exploding.

Pale Cascade: Diana creates three orbiting spheres that detonate on contact with enemies to deal damage in an area. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. This shield is refreshed if all three spheres detonate.

Moonfall: Diana draws in and slows all nearby enemies.

Lunar Rush (Ultimate): Diana teleports to an enemy and deals magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to a target afflicted with Moonlight.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

fun phun #7


just cho'gath

malphite cosplay

league of legends lag

bad luck pantheon

Friday, July 13, 2012

Zyra, Rise of the Thorns

League of Legends - Zyra Art Spotlight


Queen of Thorns (Passive): Upon dying, Zyra transforms into a vengeful plant that fires one last shot before expiring.

Deadly Bloom: Zyra grows a bud at target location. After a brief delay it explodes, launching damaging thorns at all nearby enemies. If cast on a seed, Deadly Bloom grows a Thorn Spitter plant, which fires at enemies from afar
Rampant Growth: Zyra plants a seed, granting vision of an area for up to 30 seconds. Other spells cast on seeds will turn them into plants who fight for Zyra. 

Grasping Roots: Zyra sends forth vines through the ground to ensnare her target, dealing damage and rooting enemies they come across. If cast on a seed, Grasping Roots grows a Vine Lasher, whose short range attacks reduce enemy Movement Speed. 

Stranglethorns (Ultimate): Zyra summons a twisted thicket at her target location, dealing damage to enemies as it expands and knocking them airborne as it contracts. Plants in the area are enraged, increasing their Attack Speed.

Champion Preview - Zyra, the Rise of Thorns

Wildfire Zyra Skin Spotlight!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jayce First Impressions

Hi there, so I gathered some YouTube videos of Jayce gameplays, first impressions, beginner tips and tricks.
Enjoy :)

1) Jayce E+Q Sniper Mode

2) Great Jayce Escape

3) First impressions of Jayce by Awesomefusion

4) Jungle Jayce by stonewall008

5) Don't Feed Jayce - Champion Spotlight Alternative

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

public beta environment patch notes

Jayce the Defender of Tomorrow

Damage: 50 (+3.5 per level)
Health: 510 (+90 per level)
Mana: 280 (+40 per level)
Movement Speed: 310
Armor: 16 (+3.5 per level)
Magic Resist: 30
Health Per 5 Sec: 6
Mana Per 5 Sec: 7
Range: 125
Hextech Capacitor:
Gains 40 Movement Speed for 1.25 seconds and ignores unit collision each time Transform is cast.

Lightning Field / Hyper Charge:
Passive: Gains 6/8/10/12/14 mana per strike while in Hammer Stance.
Active: Creates an electric aura dealing 100/170/240/310/380 (+1) magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.

Cost: 40 Mana

Range: 350

Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Mercury Cannon:
Active: Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon gaining new abilities and ranged attacks.
The next attack in Cannon stance reduces the enemy's Armor and Magic Resist by 10/15/20/25/30% for 5 seconds.

Range: 600
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate:
Deals 40/70/100/130/160 plus 8/11/14/17/20% of the enemy's maximum health as magic damage and knocks them back a short distance. (200/300/400/500/600 Maximum Damage against monsters)

Cost: 40 Mana
Range: 240
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Seconds
To the Skies! / Shock Blast:
Leaps to an enemy dealing 20/65/110/155/200 physical damage to enemies and slowing them by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds.

Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 Mana
Range: 600
Cooldown: 16 Seconds

Champion Changes

Crescent Slash Energy Cost Decreased per level to 60/55/50/45/40, from 60.
Crescent Slash now Triggers Mark of the Assassin.

Triumphant Roar Mana Cost Increased to 40/50/60/70/80, from 28/41/54/67/80.

Ace in the Hole Range Increased to 2000/2500/3000, from 1900/2050/2200.

Blade Waltz Cooldown Decreased to 130, from 150.

Health Increased to 523, from 493.
Bodyslam Mana Cost Decreased to 50 at all levels, from 50/55/60/65/70.

Monsoon Cooldown Increased to 150/135/120, from 120 at all levels.
Zephy Passive Decreased  at early levels to 4/7/10/13/16%, from 8/10/12/14/16%
Zephyr Active Decreased to Slow for 3 seconds, from 4.
Zephyr Cooldown Increased to 12 at all levels, from 12/11/10/9/8.

Requiem Cooldown Increased to 200/180/160, from 180/150/120.

Range Decreased to 550, from 575.

Living Artillery Subsequent Cast Maximum Increased to 400 Mana, from 200.

Le Blanc
Distortion Cooldown Decreased to 18/16/14/12/10, from 20/18/16/14/12.

Mana Per 5 Increased to 6, from 5.
Finales Funkeln Mana Cost Decreased to 100 at all levels, from 100/150/200.
Light Binding Mana Cost Decreased to 50/60/70/80/90, from 60/75/90/105/120.

Miss Fortune
Double Up Range Decreased to 550, from 625.
Make It Rain Slow % Increased to 20/28/36/44/52, from 20/25/30/35/40.
Make It Rain Mana Cost Decreased to 80 at all levels, from 80/85/90/95/100.

Depth Charge Damage Decreased at early levels to 200/325/450, from 250/350/450.
Depth Charge Cooldown Increased at early levels to 140/110/80, from 120/100/80.
Dredge Line Damage Decreased at early levels to 60/105/150/195/240, from 80/120/160/200/240.
Dredge Line Cooldown Increased to 18, from 14.

Consume Damage Increased at early levels to 500/600/700/800/900, from 400/525/650/775/900.
Consume Cooldown Decreased to 16/14/12/10/8, from 18/16/14/12/10.
Visionary Attack Requirement Decreased to 5, from 7.

Command: Attack Damage Decreased to 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.4), from 60/100/140/180/220 (+0.6).
Command: Dissonance AP Ratio Increased to .7, from .5.
Command: Protect Range Increased to 1120, from 1020.

Defensive Ball Curl Mana Cost Decreased to 40, from 50.
Powerball Mana Cost Decreased to 70/80/90/100/110, from 80/90/100/110/120.

Stand United Cooldown Increased to 200, from 180.

Hymn of Valor Mana Cost Decreased to 45/50/55/60/65, from 65 at all levels.

Astral Blessing Armor Buff Duration Decreased to 3 seconds, from 5.
Wish Cooldown Increased to 160/145/130, from 120/110/100.

Locus of Power Magic Penetration Increased to 16/22/28/34/40, from 10/15/20/25/30.
Mage Chains AP Ratio Increased to .8, from .7.

Bouncing Bomb Mana Cost Decreased to 50/60/70/80/90, from 60/70/80/90/100.

Item Changes

Athene's Unholy Grail

Ability Power Increased to 90, from 80.
Magic Resist Increased to 40, from 36.

Ionic Spark

Item Cost Decreased to 2100, from 2300.
Recipe Cost Decreased to 575, from 775.
Chain Lightning Damage Increased to 125, from 110.

Quicksilver Sash

Item Cost Increased to 1640, from 1440.
Recipe Cost Increased to 900, from 700.
Magic Resist Decreased to 48, from 56.

Jayce Ability Preview

As the title says Jayce ability preview with Travis and Muffinqt

7-3 PBE Update Full Metal Jayce

Meet Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow



Full Metal Jayce


#3 Full Metal Jayce Skin Spotlight

Augmented Singed


Infernal Alistar


#3 Infernal Alistar

Glacial Malphite



Credits/Source Surrender@20  Slushe  Tnomad