PvP.net v1.61
- Players can now earn unlimited rewards per day in Co-op vs. AI. After 180 minutes, rewards continue to be earned at 75% the normal rate.
- Custom games now have a separate pool of 120 daily reward minutes that is no longer shared with Co-op vs. AI.
- Only applies to Summoners level 15+. Lower level Summoners earn unlimited rewards per day.
- Updated the IP reward forumula for Co-op vs. AI:
- Games of medium to long length will yield larger rewards
- Games of short length will yield smaller rewards
- On Summoner's Rift, "short" is generally less than 24 minutes
- On The Crystal Scar, "short" is generally less than 12 minutes
- Players should see an increase in IP reward per game so long as they aren't quickly steamrolling the bots
- The Tournament Draft Custom Game mode will now allow Summoners to pause the game
- Dodging a Ranked Game will no longer result in loss of Elo but the time before you can join any queue again has greatly increased
- Adjusted the way Elo is handled for newly formed ranked teams; many new teams will see their Elo increase as a result.
- Normal Draft Mode (Please note that these additions were incorrectly stated in the Darius patch notes)
- Normal draft has changed so that premade groups are not prioritized over solo players
- Solo players have a 20% chance of being the team captain with banning powers and first pick, regardless of the premade status of the rest of the team
- If a solo player is not team captain, the player will be given a random slot in the pick order
- If players group up before a game, their host absorbs all of their chances, i.e. the host of a 4-man premade has an 80% chance to be captain
- A feedback sound now plays when spending mastery points
League of Legends v1.0.0.141
- Summon: Tibbers
- Reactivating 'Summon: Tibbers' while the Bear is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
- You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
- Yordle Snap Trap now properly ignores unit collision when placed
- Missile Barrage
- Missile Barrage's area of effect and particle are now properly centered around the point of impact
- Missile Barrage's spell icon is now tinted when 'The Big One' is ready
- Children of the Grave
- Reactivating 'Children of the Grave' while the Ghost is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
- You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
- If Pounce's movement extends past Nidalee's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)
- If Broken Wings' movement extends past Riven's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)
- Rumble now has a marker at 50 Heat to denote when he has reached the Danger Zone
- Flamespitter is now more responsive especially while moving and turning
- Electro-Harpoon now has a swirling icon overlay and a slight icon shift to denote the second shot
- Hallucinate
- Reactivating 'Hallucinate' while the Clone is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
- You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
- Fixed a bug where Wish would sometimes not grant assists
- Fixed a bug with Explosive Shot's passive not working correctly with Madred's Razors and Wriggle's Lantern
- Blood Scent
- Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent if he reduces a target’s health below 50%
- Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent when it is activated
- Event Horizon will now always correctly stun enemies who use dash abilities to pass through it
- Tuned Death Ray travel speeds and hitbox precision, especially when cast near walls
- Fixed an issue where Chaos Storm could sometimes be cast twice
- Omen of Death
- Reactivating 'Omen of Death' while the Ghoul is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
- You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following
- Mana Potion gold cost reduced to 35 from 40
Co-op vs. AI
- Added Alistar Bot and Dr. Mundo Bot
- Intermediate bots will now sell their Doran's items to buy an additional item after completing their builds
- Beginner bots will no longer purchase elixirs
- Updated several bots' item builds
- Summoner’s Rift (Winter) has been disabled
- Updated the Item Shop to display 8 build options for items, increased from 6
- Circle portraits are now correctly aligned with team colored outlines during announcements
- There is now new messaging to inform players that leaving games can result in temporary bans in League of Legends
- Neutral Minion Camps now have new icons on the Minimap
- Champions that have died now display an icon on the Minimap
- Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Caitlyn, Mundo, Jax, Renekton, Tristana, Teemo, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon skins
- Fixed several missing particles for various Champions
Source : link
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